Sunday 7 February 2010

Preliminary Task - Storyboard

Our preliminary task was loosely based on this storyboard. We designed the storyboard to show off what we had learned so far - Match on Action, Shot-Reverse Shot, and the 180° Rule.

We planned to have a man walk through a door, and show him coming through it and closing it. He then walks over to a table, where a woman is sitting. They talk, before the man walks out.

Unfortunately, on the day we had some difficulties filming, so we adapted our storyboard slightly, and decided to allow the two people to start a conversation, and we would move round them taking different shots. For this reason, the filming has continuity, whereas the sound and audio doesn't. We attempted to change this on the Mac, but unfortunately, we could not dub the sound over and keep the film the way we want it.

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