Thursday 18 February 2010

Scratch - Planning & Filming Process

To plan 'Scratch', we sat down and came up with a basic storyline which loosely followed our storyboard. It was a difficult process, as we had to come up with something that we could show all the skills we have learned, but something that was feasible in the time scale and the locations we had chosen.

While filming, we continually made chanegs and developed the storyline, adding things and taking bits out that we didn't think worked. Having the ability to do this was both a daunting task and a good one - due to the fact that we knew what we were compiling may not be great when we edit, but that putting over half an hour of footage onto our tape, and editing it down to 2 minutes, was a lot simpler than some of the other stories we had heard so far.

Filming was really good fun, and we enjoyed what we did and how we did it. Martin worked with Naomi and myself, and the film began to come togetehr during the last week or so. After editing, we will find out whether it was all worthwhile or not.

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